
i was 19. which basically means i was young and carefree. i just got out of a three year relationship with a guy that i was sure that i would marry. similar to a lot of young adults, i was trying to experience as many new things as i could while i was in college. i was at a club with four of my friends from school. we all went outside to smoke a cigarette and i brought a guy that i was talking to for a while. my friends were embarrassing me because of how loudly drunk they were so when the guy asked me to go for a walk i didn’t mind getting away. looking back, i wonder why my friends didn’t say anything when they watched me walk away with a stranger. this guy and i talked about how i just got out of a relationship and wasn’t ready to have sex with anyone else yet, but i guess that was a lie. we ended up in a parking lot, kissing and dancing. i told him i wasn’t going to have sex with him but somehow in the moment while we were kissing i got so caught up in it that i didn’t notice my skirt was up around my waist. it wasn’t until he told me that he was going to cum in me that i realized i didn’t remember him putting a condom on. i threw him off of me, but i guess the damage was already done. it was an incredibly successful one night stand, because all i knew about him was his age and where he worked. i knew i could never handle raising this strangers kid by myself. it was just the wrong time. i terminated my pregnancy. my closest friend took me to a planned parenthood (which is ironic because the only time i hear about planned parenthood is when the pregnancy is unplanned). it was oddly normal. no crying, and no sadness. i always thought an abortion clinic would have the air of a funeral home, but it was much more natural and calming. i don’t regret my choice.