

almost 30 years ago, when i was 16, i was sexually active with my serious boyfriend.

he was my first sexual partner. we never used any contraception. i was an idiot and never imagined that i would become pregnant, but then i did. i didn’t think i could tell my parents. i remember feeling very alone. we looked in the phonebook and found a clinic in a nearby town. i asked someone that i thought was a friend to drive me, but she wouldn’t (and then she told others about my pregnancy and abortion). another friend (who remains a friend today) drove me in the end. my boyfriend and i scrounged up almost enough money for the procedure. i arrived at the clinic with pockets of change and scrunched up dollar bills and begged to have the procedure done for the amount that i had collected. they took pity on me and i had the abortion that day. i remember it being a very emotional time, but i have no regrets. i was too young and irresponsible. i wish i had been better educated about birth control.