

i am 21 years old, i just got my two year degree. i take care of an elder family member and took a year off to do so. i am engaged and i found out i was pregnant about a month or so in to the pregnancy.

i didn’t show any signs really, so i was pretty surprised. i told my fiance first thing, we both agreed that we were not ready to have children, so we decided to have an abortion. i tried to get the pill but the first place i went told me i was a horrible person and needed to carry full term and give the child up. i went to another place out of town and asked for a surgical abortion. a week later i was no longer pregnant. my fiance and i are still together and happy, but it was rough on me more than him, i had the surgery – i went through it he didn’t. i know it sounds selfish, but i haven’t told anyone, after all of it was done i told two friends, and that was it. i was an emotional wreak for about two weeks, and then i started to feel better. i made a vow to myself to become a better person, to do something meaningful with my life, that all of this wasn’t just a waste. i was scared and felt alone, but i knew what i did was right.