
sometimes i question my decision, i have thoughts about the twins i never gave birth to.
i was 18 when i found out i was pregnant it was the weekend i was at new student orientation getting ready to start my first year of college.

i honestly didn’t think i was pregnant until i realized that i couldn’t remember the last time i had my period and that same day i went back to the hotel i was staying at with my parents and younger brother and secretly took a test in the bathroom, of course it came back positive. i shouldn’t have been surprised, i was having unprotected sex with my boyfriend (who i’m still with almost 3 years later).
anyways i didn’t tell my parents and i still haven’t, instead i went to my boyfriends mom, she and my boyfriend came with me to planned parenthood and helped me pay for the abortion. i had never been so scared in my life but i knew that i wasn’t at a point where i could take care of one child and especially not twins. surgery has always been scary for me so i took the abortion pill and i don’t know if this is wrong to say but i feel like this made me a stronger person. i took that pill at home with my parents and siblings downstairs, i stayed in my room all night, alone waiting for it to over, the only company i had was my boyfriend who stayed on the phone with me the whole time.
sometimes i do question my decision but at the end of the day i know i made the choice that was right for me, abortion is a right that every women should be afforded and it’s a right that i’m extremely grateful for; i looked at every option before i decided an abortion was the way for me to go but i know who i am and what works for me.