

i had an abortion when i was a 23 year old college senior. the pregnancy was the result of a one night stand. i voluntarily looked at my ultrasound before the procedure.

i have no excuses for my unwanted pregnancy; i was not raped and i was not using protection or birth control; i knew the risk. however, i did believe pregnancy to be unlikely because i was not at the right time in my cycle to be ovulating and i instructed the man to “pull”; he did not and i became pregnant. he refused to return my calls or answer my emails, instead having his currently pregnant baby’s mother to respond, a woman several years younger than me that i never knew existed. i was financially incapable, emotionally unprepared, and mentally unwilling to raise a child in such circumstances; not for my struggle, but for the struggle a future child would face in such a situation. i do not regret my decision.