

i was in college when i was date raped. i went to a party and suddenly everyone was gone except the two of us. i had no car and the buses were done running for the night. i was in a dangerous part of town and he knew i was scared to walk 5 miles back to my dorm alone.

i had no money and went to college in a state far from home. i waited for it to end so i could go home. i ended up pregnant by this monster. i truly didn’t realize that it was rape until many years later when i was reading a book and the dots connected. i cried and cried when i finally came to terms with the assault and then the pregnancy. that was a long time ago and, if anything, it has made me cherish every single day i have with my kids. i am so thankful that i was able to have these amazing gifts when i was ready to love and care for them. i can’t go back and change anything. do i regret trusting someone i shouldn’t have? yes. do i regret not pressing charges? yes. do i regret severing ties and opting not to quit college to raise a rapist’s baby? no. unless you have been there you have no idea. never judge.