
i have had two abortions in my life, one at 19 and one at 23. my decision to have an abortion was based on a simple premise: i was pregnant, and i didn’t want to be.

the reasons were many; i wasn’t mature enough, responsible enough, financially stable enough, i wasn’t married, i was a student, i wasn’t in a secure relationship. but whatever the reason, when a woman doesn’t want a baby, she knows it. in both cases, i made an appointment with the local clinic, went in, had the procedure, and went home. that was about the extent of it. i have never regretted it, nor have i had any emotional, mental or physical “side effects.” i am 45 years old now with three teenagers, and i feel lucky that i was able to decide for myself when it was the right time to have children. i am convinced my story mirrors many others who have undergone an abortion procedure – i didn’t take it lightly but i approached with practicality, and it in no way “scarred” me. i believe we need to demystify abortion and view it for what it is: a safe, legal, relatively affordable, and sometimes necessary, medical procedure.