if you are pregnant, and don't want to carry to term, you can get an abortion. read on for how to find and pay for abortion care. note: some options may be impacted by the 2022 supreme court decision. when in doubt, call your local clinic to ensure they offer the services you need. read on for resources for if services aren't available near you.
i need to find the nearest clinic
i need an abortion, and i'm under 18
thirty-six states require minors to involve their parents, either by notifying them or getting permission, when they need an abortion. many states allow "judicial bypass" for young people who cannot involve their parents, which means appearing before a judge and asking them to rule that you can have an abortion. that process can be challenging to navigate, but there's help out there. a nonprofit called jane's due process, based in texas, is committed to connecting minors with attorneys, resources, and funds they need to seek abortion care. visit their website to learn more, or call or text 1-866-999-5263.
i need help paying for an abortion (or want to help people pay for abortions)
the national network of abortion funds gives grants to patients who need abortion but cannot afford it.
i need practical support for abortion (or want to help provide practical support)
for help with travel and housing for people seeking abortion care.
i want to learn more about self-managed abortion
for political reasons, opponents of legal abortion make it difficult for health care providers to prescribe and for people to obtain the medication. if not for the politics of the abortion issue, based on their safety record these pills could be available over the counter.
i want to learn more about different abortion procedures
learn about what happens during an abortion procedure.
i need legal support for abortion
bail and legal defenses for people who are unjustly targeted by police or prosecutors for ending their own pregnancy, or who are being prevented from having an abortion because of the law.
i need medical support for abortion or miscarriage
for people with questions about self-managing abortion or miscarriage
emotional and faith support for abortion
talk over options or share how you feel about your abortion with nonjudgemental listeners.
i want to learn more about policy in my state
these resources are updated regularly.